Pastoral Support

reaching outLymm Baptist Church is committed to love and care for those in our fellowship. We have a system of pastoral care with a pastoral team in place which feeds into our small groups as well. If anyone needs pastoral care please contact us through the church office. If it is more urgent or of a personal nature then please contact Deb Instone directly.

As a team we are here to support you spiritually, emotionally and physically. It is really important to us that people feel able to be supported, valued and listened to or have an opportunity to pray with someone ….

Visits, Lifts, etc.

For any practical lifts or hospital visits please contact Bibi Evans.

Meal Support

Because we wish to share Gods love and kindness, short term support in the form of home cooked meals is available for those in our Church family who are experiencing bereavement, illness, hospitalisation, some sort of crisis, or the joy and chaos of a new born baby.

If anyone is in need of meal support please contact Jo Stevenson.


For any pastoral items to go into the prayer diary or prayer chain contact Bibi Evans.

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