Who’s Who

Chris Goswami
Chris Goswami
Associate Minister
Hi there! I’m the part time Associate Minister here at Lymm. Previously I have served in several churches in roles as varied as Youth Leader to Minister, from Anglican to Baptist. I love to see individuals grow in their personal relationship with Christ, realising and exercising their gifts in his service.

I have a blog for thinking Christians where I write regularly, at 7minutes.net.

Recently I retired from working for a Silicon Valley tech company. I worked in technology for over 30 years initially as a software engineer and lately as VP of Communications. I am married to Alison and we have grown-up 3 daughters Anna, Laura and Sarah. In my “spare time” I love walking, reading, music, socialising, and blogging … and I will travel over land and sea if there is any chance of skiing.

Simon Smith
Simon Smith
Minister in Training
Hi, I'm Simon and I'm working part-time at Lymm Baptist to support the life of the church in all its various forms. Alongside this, I run a Christian youth charity called Voice, helping children and young people to explore and express faith in Jesus through music.

I am married to Hannah, have two children, Alex and Ivy, and, having grown up in London, moved to the North West in 2009. I play the bass trombone, play badminton and support West Ham United!

I am so thankful for the opportunity to encourage others in their journeys of faith whilst sharing through word and deed the love of God to our local community.

Will Johnston
Richard Evans
My wife Bibi & I have attended Lymm Baptist Church since we got married in 1992. We were drawn to it by the friendly welcome we received and the care shown to us. I have worked in local government, academia and was until recently site manager at LBC. We have a son and a daughter: Harry & Emilia. I became a Christian many years ago at university.

Since joining Lymm Baptist Church, I have been a home group leader, deacon, elder responsible for prayer and also community engagement activities and mission. I am currently lay chaplain and support Bibi in leading the Pastoral Team.

My personal goals are to make our church a warm and welcoming place, help everyone use the gifts and talents God has given them to the full and seek transformation of our community through prayer, faith, discipleship and practical demonstrations of God's love. In my spare time, I enjoy playing squash and tennis, gardening and watching football matches.

George Green
George Green
Youth Worker
Hello! I’m George, and I’m the Youth Lead at Lymm Baptist Church. I grew up in a Church in the Midlands, and felt God’s call on my life at 17, when I was at a Christian festival with my Church youth!

From there I ended up doing two Gap Years with Youth for Christ, travelling around the country and getting youth work experience on the job, whilst growing a deeper relationship with God. After that, I began a degree in Applied Youth and Theology at Moorlands Bible College and as part of my placement for the degree began interning in youth and children’s work in the Church I had grown up in! After I had finished my degree course, I stayed on at the Church as a member of staff until after two more years I felt God calling me to new pastures – and that’s how I found Lymm!

I’m really passionate about helping young people understand the Gospel and the impact that a personal relationship with God can have on their lives, as well as navigating the various challenges of teenage life.
Sarah Rotchell
Sarah Rotchell
Children & Family's Worker
Hello! I’m married to Sam and have 4 young children – Leo, Ivy, Bear and Iris. I grew up in Lymm and attended school here, but only recently moved back after living for 10 years on the Isle of Man. Previously I’ve helped head up Scripture Union Ministries Trust, working with children and young people in churches and schools and providing a wide range of training opportunities for churches, schools and communities. I am loving the chance to get stuck back into life in Lymm Baptist Church – a church that gave me so much as a teenager when I gave my life to Christ and holds so much potential to reach out to the families in our community!

I’m passionate about connecting with, and supporting children and families both within the church and in the wider community. Since becoming a parent, I know more than ever just how important it is to find your “tribe” and have dependable and compassionate support through all stages of a family’s life.

I love spending time outdoors, dancing around to worship music, playing crazy games with my children or building fantastic rocket ships out of cardboard. I like cooking and baking and then eating the things I make with the people I love. I love dungarees, books about dragons, laughing and cups of tea.

John Hall
John Hall
I joined Lymm Baptist Church in the year 2000 after a job relocation from Newcastle and have been serving as an Elder on the church's leadership team for over 15 years. I am currently appointed as church Treasurer and am also involved in the preaching and worship-leading ministry. My wife Emma and I have been married for over 25 years and we have 3 grown up children who are studying at university.

Brought up in a Christian home, I made a personal commitment to Jesus at the age of 6 and was baptised as a teenager - I have witnessed God’s continuous faithfulness ever since, even through the difficult times.

I have a full-time job in the IT industry, and in my spare time enjoy hill walking and mountain biking.

Carol Best
Carol Best
Church Secretary
Having lived on the Isle of Man for thirty years I moved to Lymm with my husband, Kenny, in 2019 to be near family. We received a warm welcome at Lymm Baptist Church and are happy to be of service currently involved in stewarding, assisting the finance team and generally encouraging the faith of the young, old and anyone in between!

I came to know Jesus as a child after being taken to church from a very young age and was baptised by choice at the age of sixteen. So my whole life (with all its ups and downs) is testament to God’s love, wisdom and faithfulness.

Before retirement I worked mainly part-time in admin/reception roles. I know it makes me weird but I really enjoy public speaking. I’m an avid reader. I’ve found a great exercise/dance class here in Lymm and it’s a joy to spend time with grandchildren.

Jazz McPhail
Jazz McPhail
Hello! I’m Jazz and I originally came to the North West from Derby when studying for my Pharmacy degree in Manchester back in the late 1990s. Didn’t think I’d be back in the area again, but God had other plans! I met my husband Scott, who lived in Warrington and so I moved ‘up North’ again 5 years ago! The LBC church family have been so welcoming and I joined Scott in becoming a member of this lovely church.

Growing up as a child in a Sikh family, I was always aware of the importance of God in our lives but was missing the personal relationship I was desiring with the living God. I became a follower of Jesus in my mid-20s after years of seeking God, got baptised and went to Bible College for a year shortly after that, which was a precious year of digging deep into the word of God and learning to hear the voice of the True Shepherd.

Worshiping our Lord Jesus brings me much joy! I am an encourager and passionate about seeing the body of Christ growing deeper in relationship with the Godhead, to recognise and develop our spiritual gifts and fulfil the plans God has for our lives. I have a heart for healing and wholeness (Shalom), praying for Gods spirit to move mightily amongst the broken and hurting

My heart for healthcare and healing had originally led me to becoming a Pharmacist, but more recently I have retrained and am now a qualified Nutritional Therapist. I feel called by God to support people with health issues using natural, holistic methods, combined with the healing power of prayer.

Scott McPhail
Scott McPhail
From my very first visit to Lymm Baptist I found it to be a church with a strong ethos of family and have counted it a privilege to be part of the LBC church family since relocating from Glasgow in 2009.

Over the years I’ve been encouraged through my commitment to attending the various weekly services and have been actively involved in many aspects of church life with a particular heart for adult and senior-youth small group discipleship and evangelism.

I am married to Jazz, a Derbyshire girl who can also testify to the blessings of the LBC church family since relocating to the North West following our marriage in 2019.

Kevin Wisdell
Kevin Wisdell
I have been a member of Lymm Baptist Church for nearly 20 years but have only recently been baptised. My faith journey has been a bit of a meander - from Presbyterian Sunday School, through Church of England and then Lymm Baptist where my faith is now settled and established.

I’m married to Debbie and have three children – two of which are members at LBC - Chloe Clark and Sarah RotchelI (our Children and Families Worker). I also have numerous grandchildren, many of which can be seen “enjoying church” at the front of Millington on a Sunday morning.

I worked for over 40 years mainly as a Business/IT Consultant – working mainly for UK Government, consultancy companies and finally in the Oil and Gas industry. I stopped employed work just over 2 years ago. Since then, I’ve been reconnecting with friends, spending time with family and helping LBC’s admin team to develop and clarify processes and implement ChurchSuite.

I am by nature an Analyst, wanting to fully understand situations/issues by delving into the detail. This attribute and my work background can give a valuable and sometimes different perspective in the life of the church. I’m learning (much to my surprise) that God can and will use me and my experience for his Kingdom purposes.

“There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work” (1 Corinthians 12:5-6)

I am also a Trustee of the North-West Baptist Association (NWBA) and Milton Baptist Church in Acton Bridge.

Sam French
Sam French
I have attended Lymm Baptist Church since 2004, when I became a Christian. I always felt very safe when I entered the building and a warm comfortable glow within. I attended a few Alpha courses and couldn’t stop asking questions until one day I got to the point when I realised that I would never have all the answers; that is why it's called faith! I have been baptised and have attended Lymm Baptist church ever since.

Over the years, I have been involved with various activities, particularly the youth work and have been job sharing the church administrator role with Alison since January 2013.

I have 2 grown up children and a granddaughter, who keeps me busy.

Alison Johnston
Alison Johnston
I grew up in a Christian home, and came to know Jesus Christ as my personal saviour at a Youth Camp at Lee Abbey when I was 17.

I have attended LBC since moving to Lymm in 1995 and have always been actively involved.

I have been a member of staff since January 2013, sharing the role of Church Administrator with Sam.

I am married to Will and have three grown-up children.

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