Britain is facing perhaps the greatest crisis since World War 2. The Brexit issue is still far from resolved as events this week have shown. We are seeing an alarming rise in crime, with violence on our streets, especially in the capital. When the country faced the possibility of invasion during the Second World War, George VI called for a day of prayer and many people went to church to intercede. It proved the turning point in the war as we saw God answer prayer in a wonderful way.
On the 26th January – from 10-4pm – we will be having a day of prayer and fasting for our nation. David Hathaway will be leading a prayer meeting that day at Wembley Arena with up to 5,000 people. May we see the Lord work through the power of prayer , people once again turning to Him, Britain becoming Great Britain again and also a coming together of politicians and people to resolve Brexit and other current challenges.
Please see the urgency of this appeal and join us on the 26th January. We will be praying in hourly sessions so please join us when you can and go when you must. To God be the glory great things he has done and will do!