Often we overlook the period between now and Easter which the church traditionally calls Lent. But this is a time when we can reflect in a special way on the ministry of Jesus, and in particular on the last weeks of his life here on earth.
Over the next six Sundays we will follow Jesus’ own journey to Jerusalem using Mark’s Gospel. This takes us from the end of his ministry in Galilee to his weeks in Jerusalem that culminate in his death and resurrection. We will begin this Sunday with a pointed question that Jesus posed to his disciples, and we will end, not at the cross as we sometimes think, but in an empty tomb with discarded grave clothes!
Join us each Sunday morning through Lent. Follow along by reading through Mark’s Gospel yourself between now and Easter. Be part of the conversation at any of our mid-week housegroups.
For more details see Lent Series 2019.
Jonathan and Chris