Letter from Jonathan (25th March 2020)

Hi everyone,

Each week and for the foreesable future we’ll be writing around to the church family keeping us up to date regarding what’s going on and a reminder of important bits of information. Good communication is going to be really important in helping us get through this time together. Ephesians 6:18 reminds us to, ‘be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people’. Please do keep praying for each other, phoning each other and caring for each other as God tells us to.

Following the governments instructions, we have made the difficult decision that the church building is to now be fully closed until further notice and the keypad number will be changed for added security. Should you need to urgently get something from the building please contact one of the Staff Team who will gladly help you.

Can I really encourage all of us to follow the governments instructions not just for our own health and safety but for those with whom we may come into contact. Romans 13; Paul tells us as Christians submit to our leaders whom God has placed in authority over us. I don’t believe there is any clash of conscience in obeying our leaders at this present time as there is something inherently gospel focused about protecting the vulnerable. The best thing we can all do is staying at home and follow government instructions to the letter.

So a few updates and a few new things for this week:

  • Pastoral team support: As a pastoral team we will be doing all we can to remain in touch with those who we know to be isolating. You might not be fully isolating and are still able to go for exercise and food shopping but are find social distancing really difficult, if that’s you and you’d like someone to be in touch to pray with you over the phone or to regularly make contact, please email: admin@lymmbaptistchurch.com. A reminder as well that none of the pastoral team (including Jonathan & Chris) are able to do home visits or have face to face meetings whilst the current instructions from the government are in place.
  • Shopping support: If you are unable to get to the shops we are still able to help (falls within essential support). Sadly we can’t offer to pay for everyone’s food or promise to get specific items but we can offer help; please contact Mark if you need support: markinstone1@gmail.com
  • Online services and resources: Thanks to all those who sent in messages of encouragement and feedback from Sunday’s service we are all new to this and so really appreciate it! This weeks service will look rather different now the building is closed and we all have to stay at home. From next week as well as the streamed Sunday service we will also have the Hebrews series coming online and other resources and material which we are still working on, links to the various content will be sent round in a separate email. Please do share testimonies of what God is doing in these difficult times with us and if appropriate we’ll include them in our streamed material. jonathan@lymmbaptistchurch.com
  • Chatting on the phone: We’ve had a number of volunteering to be available for a friendly chat. There will be a separate email sent out with the times and days.
  • Youth and Children’s: Sarah and Ryan will be in touch with young people and their families about how their specific content is going to work, this is going to be available soon.
  • Prayer: we’re going to be launching a prayer email address which will be advertised outside our building and widely across the community. Please watch your email for details.

How can you help?

Last week we sent some ways you can help, please keep letting us know if you can support the church family. Email the office: admin@lymmbaptistchurch.com.

This is a strange time for all of us, none of us have been in anything remotely like this situation before, it is bewildering and disorientating. However, God remains in control, he can see the end from the beginning and all things are in his hands. Can I encourage each of us to hold onto the hope and faith we have in Jesus and to use this time to seek a deeper relationship with him.

God bless ,


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