Children and Families Lead Vacancy

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We are seeking an enthusiastic person to lead our Children and Families ministry. We feel so privileged that our church has a rich history of engaging families and children and young people. We have dozens of children attending our Sunday morning services, and we run a youth club on a Monday evening which attracts children from the wider community. Please see our Job Description for more detail. Our volunteer leaders and helpers are phenomenal and serve our children tirelessly with so much love and creativity. We deeply desire to encourage, equip and disciple the children with whom we are in contact, and to encourage and equip our volunteer team too.

You will be welcomed into our church family and Ministry Team, and encouraged to use your time with us to develop and enhance your own relationship with Christ and the Spirit-led gifts He has given you. Through mentoring, line-managing and dedicated time for personal development and training we hope this position will help you to reach your God-given potential.

We would love to hear from you if you feel called to be part of our team.

For a detailed job specification and an application form, please follow the links below 

For further information contact our Church Office on 01925 752805 or email us at

Applications close on 9 March 2025. 

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