
Letter from Jonathan (4th November 2020)

Dear Church family, Paul writes in Romans 8 v38-39:  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus […]

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Letter from Jonathan (28th October 2020)

Dear Church family, We have now entered Tier 3 which for all of us living in the Warrington Borough adds further restrictions to our lives as we head into the second part of Autumn. We can now confirm that advice to churches does indeed remain the same and Tier 3 brings with it no additional […]

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Letter from Jonathan (10th September 2020)

Hi everyone, I’m sure for many of us the news of the new restrictions limiting socialising to 6 people has come as quite a shock as it has widespread implications across so many spheres of life. Listening to the PM however, he has confirmed that churches are still able to hold services providing there is […]

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Letter from Jonathan (12th August 2020)

Hi everyone, I hope you’re having a refreshing summer, enjoying the warmer weather and the rather nice sunshine! It’s my prayer that wherever we are over the coming weeks whether we’re staying at home, or able to get away that the Lord refreshes and renews us ahead of the Autumn. We met as a church […]

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Sunday am

Summer Series

Starting Tuesday (21st July), we will be hosting the first of our Summer series in the LBC building, between 7.30pm and 8.30pm. This event will also be streamed live (details to follow). As space is limited due to social distancing, it is essential to book in. See below for further details. Dear Church Family Starting […]

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Alpha Web Banner 2

Alpha online

Alpha online is coming soon to Lymm Baptist Church. A weekly online talk and discussion exploring life and faith. Would you like to be involved? Who could you invite? For more info email: or complete the online form.

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Churches Coronavirus Response

Churches in Lymm & District​ Covid-19 Response Fund

Churches Together Lymm & District have come together to raise funds to support those in need during the current Covid-19 pandemic. A fund has been set up using PayPal (but which is totally separate from the Lymm Baptist Church general fund) which seeks to address Covid-19 related needs across 3 different areas: Within Lymm – primarily […]

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Letter from Jonathan (8th April 2020)

Hi everyone, This week is one of the most poignant in the year as followers of Jesus. As we approach Easter we come face to face with the horrors of the cross, the death of Jesus for our sin, and then 3 days later the glorious news of Resurrection that assures us of our life […]

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Letter from Jonathan (31st March 2020)

Hi everyone, I’ve really noticed over the past few days how quiet things are. Usually in the manse we can hear the noise from the distant M56, the noises of people going about daily life, cars in the car park as people go in and out of church, St Mary’s church bells ringing and the […]

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