What we are currently doing…
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Hi everyone, This week is one of the most poignant in the year as followers of Jesus. As we approach Easter we come face to face with the horrors of the cross, the death of Jesus for our sin, and then 3 days later the glorious news of Resurrection that assures us of our life […]
Hi everyone, I’ve really noticed over the past few days how quiet things are. Usually in the manse we can hear the noise from the distant M56, the noises of people going about daily life, cars in the car park as people go in and out of church, St Mary’s church bells ringing and the […]
Hi everyone, Each week and for the foreesable future we’ll be writing around to the church family keeping us up to date regarding what’s going on and a reminder of important bits of information. Good communication is going to be really important in helping us get through this time together. Ephesians 6:18 reminds us to, […]
Hi everyone, The next few weeks and months that lie ahead are going to be a real challenge as many people prepare to avoid most social contact. How we live as disciples of Jesus is going to change significantly. However, the promises of God, the teachings of Christ still urge us forward to love and […]